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High-efficiency hybrid cooler of Longhua running in Shenghong project

06-26, 2024 /in Company News /by Longhua

As a leading company in China's industrial heat exchanger industry and one of the industry standard setters for industrial heat exchangers in China, Longhua Group has rich experience and the largest production capacity in the field of industrial heat exchangers. At the same time, Longhua is also the first-class supplier of CNPC, SINOPEC and CNOOC. It has a wide brand awareness and good reputation in China.



High-efficiency hybrid cooler is a product developed and created by Longhua Group, and the first high-efficiency hybrid cooler in China was born in Longhua. Through the combination of air cooling and evaporative cooling, the high-efficiency hybrid cooler makes the cooling effect more efficient and occupies a smaller area, which is a hot-selling product of Longhua in China.

