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Copper Target

Copper target is a high-purity and highly conductive material utilized in various applications such as semiconductor production, solar cell manufacturing, and research applications such as X-ray fluorescence analysis. The copper targets are available in various shapes and sizes and are designed with high precision to meet the industry standards. The copper targets feature exceptional durability, excellent thermal conductivity, and resistance to corrosion and oxidation, making them a reliable material.

Copper Target

Operating Principle of Copper Target

Copper targets are primarily used in sputtering and electroplating applications, where high-purity copper films are required. In the sputtering process, a high-energy ion beam hits the surface of the copper target, causing it to eject copper atoms. These atoms then deposit onto a substrate, forming a thin film.

The sputtering process operates based on the ionization of the sputtering gas, typically argon, which creates a plasma that is accelerated towards the target surface. The plasma ionizes the gaseous argon, creating high-energy ions that impact the copper target, causing sputtering. The sputtered material is deposited onto a substrate, creating a uniform and high-purity copper film.

In the electroplating process, a copper target is used as the anode, and a substrate is used as the cathode. Direct current is passed through a copper sulfate solution to deposit copper onto the substrate. During this process, copper ions dissolve off the target, migrate to the cathode, and deposit onto the substrate, forming a thin copper film.

Overall, the efficient operation of both sputtering and electroplating processes is highly dependent on the purity and quality of the copper target material.

Copper Target

Classification Of Copper Target

Copper targets are classified based on the manufacturing process, purity level, and the shape and size of the final product. Based on the manufacturing process, the copper targets are divided into two categories - sputtering targets and electroplating targets. Sputtering targets are manufactured using high-temperature techniques, whereas electroplating targets are made through electrochemical processes.

Purity level also plays a significant role in copper target classification, with high-purity copper targets typically featuring purity levels greater than 99.99%. Depending on the shape and size requirement, copper targets can be classified into various shapes such as plates, disks, squares, and rectangles, or custom shapes as per the specific application needs.

Copper Target

Physical Properties Of Copper Target


8.92 g/cm3


Purplish red

Melting point


Boiling point


The copper target is appropriate for various sputtering techniques, such as two-pole sputtering, three-pole sputtering, four-pole sputtering, RF sputtering, ion beam sputtering, magnetron sputtering, and facing targets sputtering. It is suitable for the deposition of several types of films, such as reflective, conductive, semiconductor, decorative, protective, and integrated circuit films, commonly used in applications including displays. 

Compared to other target materials, copper targets are cost-effective, making them the preferred choice when the desired film functionalities can be achieved.

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